Tuesday 31 January 2017

1 month in chastity, day 2

48 h spent in this armor. I had a little issue with my belt (I had to put some glue on the front shield), but I coped with it without the keys.
28 days remaining. Thank you for your support =^.^=

Monday 30 January 2017

1 month in chastity, day 1

I have already been locked for 24 h. I had to spend the night with my armor. It wasn't a big problem (except the very caloric crepes eaten yesterday LOL).
Fortunately, my fans (YOU!) and my feline family support me a lot =^.^=

Sunday 29 January 2017

1 month in chastity, day 0

Hi everyone =^.^=

I decided to open this blog to share my life during these 30 days belted.


I will have to spend 30 days in my belt, my bra and my collar. No unlockings allowed, not even for hygiene.
The aim is to explain you how I feel in this armor, and also to experiment the damages of a long-term locking on my body.

In case of serious problem: I can get the keys, but I will explain why in video.

A video will be shot every Sunday and shared every Wednesday. Stay tuned!